VET@HOME treći projektni bilten
Vraćamo se s trećim projektnim biltenom.Read More

VET@HOME drugi bilten
Predstavljamo naš drugi bilten.Read More

VET@HOME partnership is discussing the project progress on an online TPM and workshop
Today was our 4th Transnational Project Meeting for overview of the project implementation progress and discussing the outputs in details. …Read More

Video demonstracije praktičnog osposobljavanja
I ovako se to dogodilo u kuhinji… snimanje video demonstracija za virtualno praktično osposobljavanje u kuharstvu. Chef Hugues Boutin – …Read More

Prvi VET@HOME bilten
U idućim mjesecima predstavit ćemo Vam projekt i rad na projektu kroz seriju elektroničkih biltena...Read More

The project partners gathered for another online meeting to discuss the activities and next steps
We were away for a while because we were focused on the project outputs’ development. After advancing in the creation of training contents for the platform, we also invested time in conceptualizing the protocol and guidebook for trainers and company tutors. Read More

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